Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Story by Phone

I just came across this really cool local idea today when I was reading a Star Tribune blog (the guest blogger is someone I've worked with before, so I'm always interested in what she has to say). StoryLineMN offers kids stories by phone. Just dial up the number, and kids can listen to a story read by local actors. Each month has a theme, and there's a new story each week. How cool is that? I even called up and listened to a story - and I'm not even the intended audience. As Lucie writes in her post, this is a great way to entertain kids when you need to get something done around the house.

Again: Why didn't I think of this? So simple, yet so brilliant. Plus, it promotes literacy! If there are any moms and dads out there who try it, let me know what you think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello, "Dad" here from "I think this world is perfect..." I feel like an idiot but somehow on my iPhone this morning while standing in line to vote and trying to accept your comment on the book list post I must have hit "reject" instead and now I can't get back to the ability to accept it, and I did want to include it because it was terrific and Strega Nona is probably my personal favorite book on that list.

So... is there any way I could ask you to re-submit so I can "accept" it and have it included on my site? I was going to e-mail you on this but don't see an obvious link on your site. Your comment (which is still in my e-mail account) is copied below to make this an easy cut-and-paste procedure. Thank you and sorry for the hassle:


Oh - Strega Nona. Love it. My 1st grade teacher introduced me to Tomie de Paola and I've loved his books ever since. Some day, when we have kids, those will be on our bookshelf for sure.