Monday, March 9, 2009

Help Wanted: Copy Editor

I bought these dried cranberries from Target today to keep in my desk at work. While I was munching on them, and procrastinating, I read the back of the package. As a journalist and an editor, I love when I find typos - on things other than what I work on. But I've never seen such a bad mix up, especially in such a short amount of copy. Below, if you read carefully, you'll see what I mean.

Hey Target, if you need a copy editor, I'm sure there are plenty of out-of-work journalists or editors who would be willing to take the job.


Tasha said...

Ha, that's pretty funny.

CMS said...

Give a salad? Try them boost? What doesn't make sense about that? (HA HA!)

Anonymous said...

Oh my god, so awesome. I love (hate) stuff like that.

Em said...

That is so bad! How can Target not have caught that mistake? It made me laugh, though.